Saturday, December 15, 2012

Spellosaur with individual iPads

The First Grade Butterflies were sooooooo happy to get to the class set of 1:1 iPads!

After receiving their individual iPad, each student created a "new" (Spellosaur accounts on the original 13 iPads were deleted) Spellosaur account on their individual iPad.
Each student referenced his/her individualized Write Words (spelling words) for learning list and created a word list of 10 words in the Spellosaur app.
-see previous Spellosaur post for information on how individualized Write Words for learning are identified and how the Butterflies utilize the Spellosaur app for Write Word learning and review
a first grade Butterfly checks the accuracy of the words
she added to her individualized word list in Spellosaur
first graders create individualized word lists in Spellosaur
on their individual iPads

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