Thursday, December 26, 2013

MQuiz- Balance Addition iPad app

Supporting the Butterflies' knowledge and application of equality, symbols of operations, and the concept of addition... the Butterfly mathematicians use the MQuiz Balance Addition iPad app.

The range of numbers is customized to each mathematician's "Zone of a Proximal Development" within the app to promote optimal learning and achievement.

The mathematicians apply knowledge of equality, symbols of operations, the concept of addition, and strategies for addition to identify the missing addend.

rimes- on the iPad

The Word Wizard iPad app is a "favorite" app for instruction, guided application, and independent application-practice for word study!

The Butterflies identified and applied "rimes" in known words (ex: "ike" in the known word "like") to read and make other words (ex: "trike").

the Word Wizard iPad app
mirrored on the SMARTBoard for instruction and during guided application
guided application... making and reading words using the rime "ike"
independent application...
using the rime "ut" in the known word "but" to make and read other words

MQuiz- add 3 numbers

The First a Grade Buttetflies are learning and developing strategies for addition.

To facilitate the use of strategies, promote mental math, and improve fact fluency... the Butterflies use the MQuiz Add 3 Numbers iPad app.

The app is customized for each Butterfly through the selection of number ranges within the app- promoting optimal learning and development within each mathematician's "Zone of a Proximal Development"!
adding 3 numbers
-with the MQuiz Add 3 Numbers iPad app
 Butterfly Mathematicians use ten frames and manipulatives
to support understanding and accuracy with adding 3 numbers