Wednesday, December 5, 2012

encouraging phonetic understanding and application- with iPad apps

Supporting students' spelling development, the First Grade Butterflies cooperatively engage in iPad apps that promote their phonetic understanding and application.

Cooperatively, the Butterflies attempt to identify the sounds in the word of focus and apply the corresponding letters in sequential order to accurately spell the word.
With each word of focus, the Butterfly iPad word work partners coopertively identify the sounds in the word and alternate moving the corresponding letter (or letters- for identified "word parts"... for example: moving the "s" and "t" letters for the "st" sound or moving the "a", "n", and "d" letters for the "and" word part in the sord "stand") and explaining his/her thinking and understanding.

The first graders cooperatively utilize the Rocket Speller iPad app and the Cimo Spelling Sound Out iPad app on the student iPads for skill development.
first grade iPad Word Work partners cooperatively apply their phonetic understanding
while using the Rocket Speller app on the iPad
iPad Word Work partners cooperatively hear, identify, and apply sounds
to spell unknown words in the Cimo Spelling iPad app

first grade Butterfly iPad Word Work partners explain their phonetic understanding and thinking
while using the Rocket Speller iPad app

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