Thursday, May 29, 2014

celebrating Butterfly Writers... My Storybook Maker iPad app

After "publishing" a small moment personal narrative story using the My Storybook Maker iPad app... the Butterflies celebrated themselves and each other as writers!

The First Graders accessed peer publications through the My Storybook Reader iPad app on the iPads and collaboratively viewed and discussed the author's purpose, the story structure and organization, elaboration strategies applied in spoken text and visual text, craft strategies, and... with a writing partner.

The First Graders generated and recorded specific motivational feedback for each writer... complimenting the writer's use (or attempt) of a strategy, skill, and/or behavior with purpose to convey meaning.

The compliments were collected, sorted, and organized into "WOW!  YOU should feel so proud of yourself as a writer because..." books and were given to each writer.
first grade writing partners collaboratively use critical literacy skills
and provide written feedback to peers as writers

first graders cooperatively "read" (visual and audio texts)
a small moment personal narrative story published by a peer

first graders celebrate one another as small moment writers
...recording and sharing compliments

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