Monday, October 29, 2012

Addition Top-It

Reinforcing the Butterflies' learning of adding two quantities and of comparing quantities, the Butterflies played Addition Top-It with a math partner on the iPad.

The Butterfly Math Partners alternated "dealing the cards" for each play.
During each play, the Butterfly Math Partners alternated finding the sum of their two dealt cards and explaining-justifying their thinking to their partner.
The Butterfly Math Partner with the greatest sum identified their sum as the greater of the two sums and pushed the corresponding arrow on the iPad.
The Math Partner who had the lesser of the two sums "read" aloud the quantity comparison displayed on the app (for example: with the displayed comparison of 12<15, the partner read "twelve is less than fifteen).
Math Partners explaining their thinking when adding two numbers
playing Addition Top-It on the iPad

Butterfly Mathematicians adding two quantities and identifying the greater quantity
using the Addition Top-It app

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