Friday, July 6, 2012

iPad mirroring

I have used the Spashtop Remote Desktop app to access and interact with my teacher PC desktop from my iPad. The Spashtop app allows interaction between the SMARTboard and the iPad, relevant to the content on the desktop.

It is useful, but...
what I really want is interaction between the SMARTboard and the iPad, relevant to the content on the iPad. And unfortunately- that capability does not exist. :(

After more research, I discovered "mirroring". "Mirroring" is displaying the content on the iPad through the SMARTboard minus the interaction. It allows you to interact with the iPad and project the iPad content onto the SMARTboard.

I believe capability to "mirror" the content on the iPad onto a large screen for student reference and/or for instruction is optimal for the effective integration of iPads in the classroom.

In hopes that "mirroring" will be as effective as I think and want for it to be, I have purchased (not funded through the grant) an Apple iPad AVG adapter and a 15 foot extension cord to provide the capability to "mirror" the iPad onto my SMARTboard.

Fingers crossed! :)