Showing posts with label student exploration of iPad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label student exploration of iPad. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2012

exploring apps on the student iPads

After learning about the procedures and routines for our iPads, the first grade Butterflies were more than anxious to learn about the apps!

Two days after introducing the iPad routines and procedures (on day 5 of school)... we did a Guided Discovery (Responsive Classroom) on our iPad apps.

Prior to the Guided Discovery, we reviewed the routines and procedures for the care and use of our iPads through student modeling and reinforcing language.

Through the Guided Discovery on our iPad apps, the Butterflies discovered, explored, and shared a variety of apps on our classroom iPads.

It was so exciting to observe the first graders cooperatively exploring the apps and collaboratively engaging in various apps!  All students were actively engaged in discovering the available apps and the capabilities within the apps!
Listening to the partners discuss and "review" apps (based on initial exploration) and share ideas and strategies for the use of apps was even more exciting!

After sharing our learning, the Butterflies were more than anxious again... this time to explore and use the apps shared!

partners exploring the Card Battle app
by Classroom Focused Software

partners collaboratively identifying sight words

partners cooperatively exploring a math app

partners discovering Baseball Math
by Classroom Focused Software