Showing posts with label iPad documentation apps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPad documentation apps. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

teacher productivity- iDoceo app and Confer app

iDoceo- teachers notepad
The iDoceo- teachers notepad app (Bert Sanchis) is a useful teacher productivity app with various capabilities and potential uses.
The app is organized similar to a three-ring binder with tabs.  Multiple classes ("binders") can be created.  Unlimited and customizable tabs can be created within each class and unlimited and customizable columns can be added within each tab.

I use the iDoceo app to document student progress and data with...
-READ WORDS (sight words)
  • documenting- total "mastered" words, "mastered" list(s), and the "instructional" list
-WRITE WORDS (spelling words)
  • documenting- total "mastered" words, "mastered" list(s), and the "instructional" list
  • documenting- "mastered" stages of development and the "instructional" stage of development
  • documenting- "independent" reading level and "instructional" reading level
The iDoceo app provides an organized format for recording data and for monitoring and analyzing student progress.

The Confer app (David Lowe) is a teacher productivity app that documents and guides instruction.
The app provides the capability to record the "strengths", "teaching point", and "next step" for individual and/or multiple students with the additional capability of recording "tags".
Confer allows students to be flagged and/or grouped and provides the capability to sort by "level", "teaching point", "flag", "next step", "strength", and/or "date" supporting the utilization of the app to guide instruction.

I use the Confer app to document and guide instruction in...
  • documenting independent and instructional reading levels
  • documenting reading conference, strategy group, and guided reading instruction
  • guiding conference, strategy groups, and guided reading instruction
  • monitoring frequency of instruction 
  • analyzing and identifying each reader's progress through instruction

  • documenting writing conference and strategy group instruction
  • guiding conference and strategy groups instruction
  • monitoring frequency of instruction 
  • analyzing and identifying each writer's progress through instruction

  • documenting spelling stage of development
  • documenting word study conference and strategy group instruction
  • guiding conference and strategy groups instruction
  • monitoring frequency of instruction
  • analyzing and identifying each student's progress through instruction
  • documenting mathematical stage of development
  • documenting conference and strategy group instruction
  • guiding conference and strategy groups instruction
  • monitoring frequency of instruction
  • analyzing and identifying each student's progress through instruction
The Confer app provides a management tool for collecting data, documenting instruction,, analyzing progress, and utilizing data to guide instruction.