Each iPad includes the "full" version of the Spellosaur app.
Spellosaur is an app that provides multiple and various experiences to support a student in developing mastery of "spelling words".
utilizing Spellosaur on student iPads-
A Spellosaur account was created for each of the two students assigned to the iPad on each of the iPads (for example- Spellosaur accounts were created for students A and B on iPad #1 and Spellosaur accounts for students C and D were created on iPad #2 and...).
Within each students' individual Spellosaur account, ten Write Words for learning focus were added to create a "list".
-Students referenced their individual "word lists" (containing highlighted words for learning specific to the student's individual demonstration of Write Word "mastery") to identify ten words to add as a "list" in their Spellosaur account. Students "marked" (circling the "S" in the box before the highlighted word) the words on their individual word lists that were added to the Spellosaur app.
As students demonstrate consistent accuracy with the "practice" and "test" options within the Spellosaur app, a second "list" of ten Write Words are added to the student's Spellosaur account (and documented on the student's individual and current "word lists") and the initial list of ten words are included within a "review" list.
As students demonstrate consistent accuracy with the "practice" and "test" options within the Spellosaur app relevant to the current list AND demonstrate consistent accuracy with the "practice" and "test" options utilizing the words on the "review" list, a third "list" of ten Write Words are added to the student's Spellosaur account (and documented) and the second list of ten words are included within the "review" list.
-and the process continues...